Measles kya hai ! Measles reubela Virus Causes Sign Symptoms

What is Measles?

Measles is an infectious illness caused by the measles virus.
 The symptoms typically appear within 10 to 12 days of contact
 with an infected individual and last between 7 and 10 days. 
The first signs typically include fever, which is usually more
 than 40 degrees Celsius (104 d, eg) and cough, a running nose, and inflamed eyes.

Measles kya hai! Measles rubella  Virus Causes Sign Symptoms


Measles is an extremely contagious serious illness caused by the virus. 

Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccination 

in 1963 and widespread vaccination, massive outbreaks 

were observed every two to three years. Measles caused 

approximately 2.6 million deaths annually.

Over 140000 people perished from measles in 2018, most of them children 
younger than five years old, despite the fact that there is an effective and safe vaccine.

Measles can be caused by an infection belonging to the family of paramyxoviruses and is typically transmitted via direct contact as well as through the air. The virus affects the respiratory tract and then is spread across the entire body. Measles is a human-caused disease and isn't known to be present in animals.

Rapidly increasing vaccination rates have resulted in a major reduction in decreasing measles deaths. In the period 2000-2018 measles vaccination helped prevent an estimated 23.2 million deaths. Measles deaths worldwide have dropped by 73%, from 536 000 deaths at the time of its inception to only 142 000 in the year 2018.
