Gastritis --Causes Symptoms Investigation Treatment|| Aamirhealthcare

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Gastritis -- Causes Symptoms Investigation Treatment|| Gastritis In Urdu || Amir Health care

what Is gastritis?

It Is inflammation In Gastric Mucosa called gastritis

causes of  Gastritis

1  Nsaids Group Medicine 1 aspirin 2 diclofenac  3 ibuprofen  4 piroxicam 5 meloxicam 6                Mefnamic acid tablet
2 Stress , tension, depression, Coma, Head Injury,Hepatic failure,renal failure etc
 3 H.pylori Induced Gastritis (H.pylori Is a bacteria)
Gastritis --|| Gastritis Causes Symptoms Investigation Treatment|| Gastr...

clinical Features

Gastritis may be symptomsless or it may produce following feature,
1 Nausea, vomiting
2 heart burn.
3 Pain epigastrium.
4 bleeding from gastritis May occour Causing Blood in vomiting or blood in stool.
1 Blood test for H . Pylori-
2 endoscopy (examination of stomach by a Machine by a machine)and taking biopsy If needed.


1 NSAID should be stoped or reduced if possible.
2 PPi Group use like( omeprazole , essomeprazole,lansomeprazole,pantoprazole,) daily OD dose
or use an H2 blocker e.g  famotidine 40mg  OR Ranitadine OD dose
if severity or unconscious Patient is more than giving iv injection state-liked omeprazole or injection Zantac iv state
to prevent stress-induced gastritis
4 antacid eg acid can be used in minor cases.
5 Chronic gastritis  due to H. pylori need H. pylori eradication therapy

Epigastric Pain Cause Symptoms Treatment

The reasons and treatment options for Stomach painIf you experience stomach pain is generally an indication that something's not right. In certain cases
Sometimes, the issue is minor and can be easily fixed. For instance, if you are eating too much, or
Had a particularly spicy dinner or meal, your Stomach Pain may be due to stomach acid or heartburn.
In other instances the pain may be more severe, and need surgery, or
treatment to relieve the pain. If you're having a lot of stomach pain, below
the ribcage. Continue reading to learn more about the reasons and treatment options for
epigastric pain.

What is Epigastric Pain?

It is a painful condition that can be felt within the abdomen of the upper just below the ribcage. It can also be
often called often referred to as Pain commonly referred to as abdominal pain or the upper abdominal discomfort. It may occur
both sides of your body however it is usually in the back. The pain could be caused by
caused by various issues caused by a variety of issues, such as heartburn, indigestion caused by a variety of issues, including gastritis, bloating, and.

Stomach pain may also indicate more serious medical conditions like an ulcer or hernia or
gastric cancer. Gastric pain is typically accompanied by other signs like nausea.
vomiting and a burning sensation within the chest.

Epigastric Pain Common Causes of Epigastric Pain


Indigestion is the most common cause of stomach Pain. Most of the time the cause is
It is not harmful and can be easily fixed.

Indigestion is a sign that the stomach is working too hard or the stomach is irritated
Many spices are used in cooking.

It's also a frequent consequence of foods that are fermented like
such as sauerkraut or as soy sauce and sauerkraut.


Heartburn is a sign that gastric acid or bile levels rise.
into the into the esophagus. This is usually caused by certain medications, eating too much or eating spicy food.
The most common symptom of heartburn is epigastric pain. However, it may also trigger stomach discomfort. -

Epigastric Pain Gas -

Gas and gas are frequent consequences of taking in too much food, especially fooditems, which are
that are high in high in carbohydrates. For pain relief take a bite of sweet peppers or chewing gum or drinking fennel tea
tea. Hernia can be a painful swelling on the body that has been broken through its
The most common place to find it is within the body's tissues. It is usually located within the abdominal region. People who
Do physical work and lift heavy objects or have the family history of hernias are at a higher risk
to suffer from an epigastric discomfort. -

Gastritis -

The stomach is the most sensitive organ in our body. The cause is
A variety of reasons that include

  • Infection, drugs and alcohol abuse.
    It's usually associated with epigastric pain.
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • and diarrhoea.

Gastroenteritis -

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the digestive tract. The symptoms can include
epigastric discomfort and diarrhea. - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - Gastroesophageal
The reflux disorder (GERD) is a frequent reason for epigastric pain. It is caused by the lower
The esophageal muscle does not shut properly and allows gastric acid to return into the
esophagus. esophagus. Gastrointestinal bleeding Gastrointestinal bleeding is an uncommon cause of

Stomach pain.

It is typically due to a gastric ulcer or gastritis that is erosive. -
Gastrointestinal Tumor - A stomach tumor, like gastric cancer is uncommon however
A serious reason for epigastric pain.

Other Common Causes of Stomach Pain- Appendicitis

Appendicitis is a very rare but significant cause of epigastric pain. It can occur when
Appendix swelling and filled with bacteria, leading the appendix to break. - Bowel
Obstruction - Stomach pain could also be an indication of obstruction in the bowel, which is a sign of
Something blocks the flow of foods through digestive tract. - Colon Cancer -
Colon Cancer is an extremely severe cause of epigastric pain. It typically causes gradual
epigastric pain, which gets worse with time. -

Diarrhea -

Diarrhoea is a condition that happens when the bowels
It is more frequent than normal it can trigger epigastric discomfort. Diarrrhea could be caused by an
Many factors can be involved, such as stomach viruses, among others. Eating Disorders: People who suffer from anorexia.
Bulimia sufferers may experience epigastric pain in particular after eating. Gastric Ulcer A gastric
The word "oil" refers to an and open ulcer in the stomach's lining. It's usually caused by the stress of life, poor nutrition,
and certain medicines. and certain medications. Bowel Disease - Inflammatory bowel disease
The intestinal tract can get inflamed. This can cause various symptoms that include
epigastric pain.

Prescription Medications for Epigastric Pain

-- Alginates - Alginates are a type of medicine that works by absorbing excess acid in the stomach. These are utilized to treat
Stomach Pain. Antacids as sodium bicarbonate aluminium hydroxide and
Calcium carbonate neutralizes the excessive gastric acid present in the stomach. - H2 Receptor
Antagonists H2 receptor antagonists like famotidine and ranitidine reduce acid
Production in stomach. - Histamine 2 Receptor Agonists - Histamine 2 receptor agonists,
like cimetidine, can which reduce the production of acid such as cimetidine, reduce acid production in the stomach. - Sucralfate like cimetidine, reduce stomach acid production. Sucralfate is a substance that can
when applied to the abdomen protects the stomach's the lining of the stomach and helps heal gastric ulcers. - Pepto-Bismol -
Pepto Bismol is an over-the counter medicine that reduces pain and nausea.
due to digestive issues.

Epigastric Pain Natural Remedies

- Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a herb with anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve stomach Pain.

. Chamomile Chamomile - Chamomile is a well-known herb, can be used to calm stomachs and help ease stomach pain.
stomach pain. Ginger is a well-known remedy for digestive issues for example,
Heartburn, indigestion gastric ulcers, and heartburn. The peppermint plant has been used for centuries to treat heartburn, indigestion, and bloating.
natural cure for nausea and indigestion. - Turmeric is an effective remedy for nausea and indigestion. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties.
properties that can alleviate stomach pain.

Epigastric Pain Conclusion

It's a common condition which is easily treated. It is important to seek advice from an expert
Consult a physician if the discomfort persists following these natural cures. Be aware that
Stomach pain could be the sign of a more serious medical issue, therefore it is crucial to consult an expert.
If you have experienced it. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your physician. They can
assist you in determining the best method of action based upon your particular situation.Epigastric pain causes symptoms Treatment

The Causes and Treatments of Stomach pain and discomfort

If you experience discomfort in your stomach, it's usually an indication that there's something wrong. In certain cases

In some cases, the issue is minor and can be easily fixed. For instance, if you have consumed too much food or

If you had a spicy meal and your stomach Pain may be caused by stomach acid or heartburn.

Sometimes the pain may be more severe, and require surgery or

treatment to relieve the pain. If you're suffering from a lot of stomach pain below

Your ribcage, read on to learn more about the reasons and treatment for

epigastric pain.

What is Epigastric Pain?

It is a painful condition that is felt on the stomach's upper side beneath the ribcage. It can also be

often called commonly referred to as Pain often referred to as abdominal pain or the upper abdominal discomfort. It could happen

both sides of your body but is usually in the back. It can be caused by

caused by various issues that can be caused by heartburn, indigestion caused by a variety of issues, including gastritis, bloating, and.

Stomach pain may be an indication of an illness that is more serious that could be a sign of an ulcer or hernia or

gastric cancer. Gastric pain is typically associated with other symptoms like nausea.

vomiting and a burning sensation within the chest.

Epigastric Pain Common Causes of Epigastric Pain


Indigestion is one of the main causes of stomach Pain. In the majority of cases the cause is

It is not harmful and can be easily fixed.

Indigestion can occur when the stomach is working too hard or the stomach is irritated

Too many spices are utilized in cooking.

It's also a typical result of fermented food products like

such as sauerkraut and soy sauce.


Heartburn is a sign that gastric acid, or bile, rises

into the stomach. It's usually caused through certain medications, excessive eating or spicy food.

Heartburn is typically accompanied by epigastric pain. However, it may also trigger stomach discomfort. -

Epigastric Pain Gas -

Gas and bloating are both common consequences of having too much of anything, especially fooditems, which are

that are high in carbs. For pain relief take a bite of peppers, chewing gum or drinking fennel tea

tea. Hernia can be a painful swelling in the body which has been smashed through its

normally found in the body's tissues. It is usually located inside the stomach. People who

Do physical work and lift heavy objects or have the family history of hernias are at a higher risk

to experience to suffer from epigastric pain. -

Gastritis -

It is an inflammation in the stomach. The cause is

There are many factors to consider which include

Infection, drugs and alcohol abuse.

It's usually caused by epigastric pain.



and diarrhoea.

Gastroenteritis -

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the digestive tract. The symptoms can include

epigastric discomfort and diarrhea. - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) - Gastroesophageal

The reflux disorder (GERD) is a frequent reason for epigastric pain. It happens when the lower

The esophageal muscle does not shut properly which allows gastric acid to return into the

esophagus. Esophagus. Gastrointestinal bleeding - Gastrointestinal bleeding is rare. It is the cause of

Stomach pain.

It is usually due to a gastric ulcer or gastritis erosive. -

Gastrointestinal Tumor: A gastrointestinal cancer, like gastric cancer is extremely rare, however

A serious reason for epigastric pain.

Other Common Causes of Stomach Pain- Appendicitis

Appendicitis is a very rare but very serious reason for epigastric pain. It can occur when

Appendix expands and fills up with bacteria, which causes the appendix to break. - Bowel

Stomach pain - Obstruction can be an indication of bowel obstruction. This is a sign of

Something hinders the movement in food particles through the digestive tract. - Colon Cancer -

Colon Cancer is an extremely important cause of epigastric pain. It is usually a gradual onset

epigastric pain that gets worse over time. -

Diarrhea -

Diarrhoea is a condition that occurs when the bowels

Move more frequently than usual it can trigger epigastric discomfort. Diarrrhea may be caused by an

A variety of causes, including various factors, including stomach viruses. Eating Disorders - Individuals who suffer from anorexia.

Bulimia sufferers can experience epigastric pain especially after eating. Gastric Ulcer A gastric

The word "oil" refers to an, open ulcer inside the stomach's lining. It's usually caused by an unhealthy diet, stress,

and some medications. and certain medications. Bowel Disease - Inflammatory bowel disease

The intestinal tract can get inflamed. This can cause various symptoms which include

epigastric pain.

Prescription Medications for Epigastric Pain

-- Alginates - Alginates can be used to treat stomach ulcers by absorbing excess acid in stomachs, can be employed to treat

Stomach Pain. Antacids are antacids such as sodium bicarbonate aluminium hydroxide and

Calcium carbonate neutralizes excess gastric acid present in the stomach. - H2 Receptor

Antagonists H2 receptor antagonists like famotidine or ranitidine can reduce acid

Production in stomach. - Histamine 2 Receptor Agonists - Histamine 2 receptor agonists,

like cimetidine. They reduce acid production like cimetidine, inhibit acid production. - Sucralfate such as cimetidine, inhibit acid production in the stomach. Sucralfate is

When applied to the abdomen, it protects the stomach's the lining of the stomach and treats gastric ulcers. - Pepto-Bismol -

Pepto Bismol is an over-the counter medication that eases pain and decreases nausea.

due to digestive issues.

Epigastric Pain Natural Remedies

- Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an herb with anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve stomach Pain.

. -- Chamomile - Chamomile is a popular herb, can be used to calm stomachs and help ease stomach pain.

stomach pain. Ginger is a popular treatment for stomach issues, like

Heartburn, indigestion and bloating. The peppermint herb has been used for a long time to treat heartburn, indigestion, and bloating.

natural remedy for nausea and vomiting. - Turmeric is a natural remedy for nausea and indigestion. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties.

properties, which alleviate stomach pain.

Epigastric Pain Conclusion

It's a very common ailment which is easily treated. It is important to seek advice from the doctor.

Consult a physician if the discomfort persists after trying these solutions. Keep in mind that

Stomach pain could be the sign of a more serious medical issue, therefore it is essential to visit an expert.

If you are experiencing it. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your physician. They can

Help you decide on the best method of action based upon the specific circumstances.

